After working as a journalist and a professor for 17 years, I expertise the last ten years in e-learning, and now I am an educational content developer and a instructional designer.
I´ve had the chance to work in multiple educational production scenarios . You can see some of the educational content I have produced here.
I am the president of the Municipal Culture Commission of Imbituba, where I also live, dividing myself between Santa Catarina and Curitiba.
Besides, I keep researching a lot, because I want a PhD. My goal is suggest a audiovisual m- learning language to effectively affect -teenagers (in crisis).
I am also trying to find where I can fund an online course about Art and Democracy (to teens) I am still to intructional designing .
As a freelance journalist I have learned to listen and distinguish gestures beyond words. I realized that the truth may be in different places and that the reporter´s role – of momentarily live the afflictions of other humans - compels me to ponder constantly about my own existence and what should be the priorities of life.
As an executive press officer at the National Institute of Colonization and Land Reform, (Incra/SC), I was able to observe closely the agrarian policy, its relations and contexts: often violent, always unequal. I fulfilled all the
superintendency communication coordination tasks along with two assistants, and I´ve had the opportunity to travel more than 250,000 kilometers by car to document the rural settlements - many times, all by myself - accompaning the superintendent in meetings and mediations during agrarian crisis. I also worked side by side with the Landless Workers' Movement and other organizations beside the latifundium owners, in several cities and some brazilian states to document the land reform.
I also provided information to hundreds of settled families - and to be settled - eventually, in some almost forgotten corner of Santa Catarina, provinding, sometimes, they told me, the first memory they´ve had as a family at the settlement: a picture.
Unfortunately, for too many times, I´ve documented their ungrateful protagonism in a war for respect and a piece of land. Also, too many times, I could do nothing but cringe to the thought - when I sensed the arid and stony ground burning under my sneakers or boot soles - at that distant and rugged area that they should call home, and where they must cultivate a new life. On those occasions, João Cabral de Melo Neto´s rough words in “Life and Death of Severino”, the dramatic poem beautifully set to music for Chico Buarque, echoed loud in my ears:
“It's a big pit for your small cadaver
But you would be wider than you were in the world
It´s the part that belongs to you in this latifundium”.
They are people who battled/battle against prejudice and all kinds of adversity. That means: life and death living too closer, right beside their black canvas tents. An inestimable, life changing experience.
By becoming a professor in 2003, I´d sign a long term contract where I accepted the assignment to be open-minded and always ready to learn, so I could share with effectiveness and credibility, but also with affection and empathy.
As part of this agreement, my classes subjects are a mix of technique-aesthetic-ethic- without forgetting the application of the contents in ordinary-everyday-real-life.
From where I come, it´s hard to make students come to class (and stay awake after a long day of working) and keep them studying. Harder is to make them socially aware of themselves, their options and their importance as individuals and as brazilian citizen. One ne of my most sucessfull tools to get to them is the humor: sometimes i know how to be a clown. :)
Many os us, teachers and lecturers, keep encouraging young people to choose life and its challenges with humor, serenity and knowledge. The options are hard to beat: the safety of repetition; the easy answers to the complex questions; the bright promises of violence and power and all its tenacious and easy proposals.
The arduous mission is: being a honest and empathic person in a corrupt and unequal society.
With my degrees (Visual Arts (FPM); Journalism; graduate studies (specializations) in Literature and Audiovisual Communication and a Masters in Communication and Languages) I´ve taught at technical and higher education, in-class (17 years) and online education (10 years) in several private and federal universities and institutions (UnC, Uninter, Intersaberes, Unibrasil, IFPR, FAPI, Interead, Genius, Kultivi, etc.) – mainly in Journalism, Design, Photography and Advertising and Propaganda courses.
Nonetheless, I´ve had also the chance to give classes in Architecture, Art Education, Pedagogy, Administration & Marketing and Biology programs.
Far more than to teach, be a professor gave/give me the opportunity to listen, share and connect to incredible, wise, sensitive, solid - and hopeful people.
My first academic research was sponsored by the National Research Counsil - Conselho Nacional de Pesquisas (CNPq). It was about Nossa Senhora do Desterro island cultural life among 1889 -1899 - after Brazilian Republic Proclamation (1889), the Armed Revolution (1893-1894) and during the Federalist Revolution (1893-1895) in 1995. Amongst those years, the city staged its own version of Salem witch trials, with 185 killings, a paranoid delating fever and many horrible war crimes.
That´s because Desterro was doomed the moment Moreira César disembarked on the island. The bloodthirsty lieutenant colonel called the Corta-Cabeças (The Cutthroat) was sent by the president, Marshal Floriano Peixoto, to promote an “ajuste de cuentas” against the rebels, who were also, the city intellectual elite.
It was fascinating to understand how ironic and bitter Santa Catarina´s state capital city name is - since 1889: Florianópolis. Many brazilians believe - wrongfully - the actual island´s name just reflects its beauty: "flor" means flower in portuguese.
One important experience, besides being elected (with 99% of votes) Journalism Department Coordinator (UnC – Concórdia), was the awarded project TV program, “Papo Cabeça” which I directed and supervised with a colegue.
The TV show was entirely produced by students and broadcasted in a public Curitiba TV and to 400 Uninter´s e-learning poles in Brazil.
Nonetheless, most of my life I researched about the image - framed or in motion, fictional or (intending to be) real. I must say I always enjoyed and reflected in an interdisciplinary way.
I split my attention into: gender studies; TV and movie narratives; feminism; LGBTIQ + and other social movements audiovisual production; history of the human body in photography; documental photography; direction of photography, webdocumentary, storytelling, educational design, student engagement, visual attention and m-learningg and social marketing.
The short movie "Drag Story: Lendas e Babados", one of the first movies about drag queens in Brazil and in Latin America, was the result of the graduation project - with a classmate - in 1997. It received an honoroble mention at Pierre Verger Award, given by Brazilian Association of Anthropology.
You can see some of the audiovisual graduation projects and classroom TV works I supervised (or produced), here in my Youtube channel.
I coordinated two research groups: “Corporations and Images” and “Image: Confabulations of Communication”.
As a photographer I´ve been convinced that reality has much more than a thousand facets; that a photojournalistic / photodocumental ethics must be compromised to respect, because people are far more than the subject of yours/her/his attention: they are living beings eventually in their worst/happiest moment.
I also learned that a single photo shooting has many dimensions and layers connecting the character or client to the professional´s hall of references. It´s a mix of precision, singularity and the eventual feeling of astoundment . Because life is loyal only to its own unpredictability ...and that´s exactly what made me ever since passionate about photography.
When I witnessed film turning into digital, I sensed that, at some point, the binary code flexibility would change things for good.
From these learning, practices and reflections, came the “organic photography” concept 13 years ago. Organic Photography seeks the human body´ spontaneity and the good use of photographic technique - without the aid of large mechanical artifacts, dozens on set, besides all the technology you already have at hand.
Mainly, it does not collaborate with the ungoverned use of editing tools, because the body is valued in what it possesses of fragile and strong: the flesh and its transience.
I believe everybody must return to society the results of the support and luck some of us have, so I volunteer. I usually am a volunteer as a lecturer - but I´ve had the overwhelming chance to cuddled babies and help their first steps, and to support teens emotionally .
I offer: photography, art, filming, film analysis or communication
workshops/courses to schools, LGBTQ+ institutions; libraries, children support associations; non-governmental organizations, comunity
associations, etc.
I also volunteer to photograph professionally events to transgenders groups; teenage girls in foster homes celebrations; disable people in their graduation day; environmental events; parades for democracy, women rights, people against neofascism rise; traditional carnival groups, small city cultural, educational or enviromnental events, etc.
The sea has been an intimate friend all these years, and I have an emotional bound with it. The environmental project “Brief Inventory of our Lack of Good Sense”, is the way I can say “thank you”. I capture, gather and disposal the garbage I find on the beaches of the coast city i live, Imbituba, where I moved to - escaping from a two milion habitants city - and where I am now, also, a municipal culture councilor (2018 – 2020), in Santa Catarina.
As part of the project I also send some of the recovered material to the companies who must be accountable for the trash they help to create: asking to improve their reverse logistic and to - really - contribute with environmental education.
"Viageiras" is a female driver empowerment project, because I live in Brazil: a dangerous place to be women. Violence and crimes against not only women, but LGBTQ+, blacks and the poor are usual and naturalized. Drive alone as a woman in my country can be a deadly adventure . Since I have a lot of experience driving as a journalist, as a media consultant, around the country, day and night, most of the time alone, i feel I could exchange the experience.
I have also an artistic long term photographic project which cares about the human body and the way it has been bashed, opressed, distressed, outraged in so many societies. I believe the body is a constellation of possibilities reduced to a mass of ungenerous and inadequate ideals that lead to bizarre stereotypes.
“Aesthesis” is an appropriation in order to naturalize it, after all objectification and molestation. So... I capture different nude bodies, individually or not, from disparate social classes, cultural backgrounds, etc. Flesh, skin, nuances, muscles, corners, minutiae, unrevelead secrets yet to tell. I undress, cut, intertwine, confuse, in plans often closed - with high ISOs and no pos-edition, in a picturialist approach.
I see people with other eyes - less discreet and more benign - and I navigate, unconcernedly, at an imaginary frontier between/among eroticism, pornography
(or neither of them - you can tell me).
If you have more than 18 years old you can see the whole gallery of pictures here.